Playing in the sand together

About me

My name is Priyanka Venkataraman. My patients call me Dr. V. I am a board certified OBGYN Physician and a mom.

Navigating my pregnancy and postpartum period was one of the hardest things I have ever had to do. Not only did I have a high risk pregnancy, my newborn was born with growth restriction and measured < 1 percentile. He was term but only 4lbs 8oz! Hard to believe that’s him playing in the sand. The struggles and pressure of feeding him were compounded by his colic, reflux and intolerance to any of the formulas we tried (he would vomit for 5 hrs after any of the formulas we were told to give him). Not a fun experience. I definitely have PTSD from his vomiting so much! This added so much pressure to breast feeding for me, especially with trying to balance exclusively breast feeding him while heading back to work in health care right at the beginning of the pandemic. It was an isolating experience and I wish I had more support. I am here to provide you that support as I truly believe it is something we could all use.

As a physician, I have always found it hard to balance the requirements of an institution with the time I can see some patients needed. This came more to the forefront after going back to work with a newborn at home and while breast feeding. This is my way of creating that time and space for you to learn about your health, to feel empowered, and to be your best self without the guilt of feeling like you have not done enough. I can’t wait to share this journey with you!